Santa Monica, CA
Another garden that has evolved in lockstep with the lives of its owners, this Santa Monica site is all about indoor/outdoor living. Even before an architectural remodel literally lifted a garage door between kitchen and garden, a broad deck hosted outdoor dining, a 10 x 40’ lap pool lay just outside the master bedroom door, and vegetables were an institution. In the latest incarnation, the vegetable beds (made of redwood boards recycled from the old deck) moved to the front yard, where gardening becomes a neighborly experience. The backyard becomes a full-fledged orchard/meadow, whose curving spine was dictated by the client’s bikepath: persimmons, figs, apples, and apricots grow from a floor of buffalo grass, wildflowers, and bigger ornamental grasses. In the deep back, behind of vined trellis of long-ago recycled wood, lies a courtyard of recycled pavers used for qi gong. A small firepit off the pool, and across from the spa, provides a focal point for evenings of moon-viewing.